May 30, 2012

Whatcha Find Wednesday

Boy this week has really flown by. Having Memorial Day off from work almost made me forget it was Wednesday already. Memorial Day was something else. It was hotter than heck but we took the time to visit a local grave yard to put flowers on soldier's graves in honor of those who lost their lives fighting for our freedoms. We also got the opportunity to have some good picking since everyone and their neighbors were fixing up their homes and getting rid of what they replaced.

Here are some of our finds:

2 of these Juice-Mate beverage dispensers

A push mower that had close to nothing wrong with it. Just had to give it a tune up and replace the kill cord.

A grill with the electric igniter bad on it. What grill really has one that works?

 A plastic tub that will be perfect for a worm bin.

An old Bicycle missing the front tire.

A bunch of old doors. Almost all are glass. We are thinking of using these as part of an upcoming greenhouse project.

We just got this little fellow today from one of our neighbors. His disposition is very similar to our cat, Cat...Very loving. Our neighbor found him as a stray and thought we'd be able to provide a loving home. Gracye has already named him Cat as well.

I hope everyone has a great week and happy hunting.

For any questions or suggestions feel free to leave a comment or e-mail us at Also don't forget to send us your pictures and a brief description so you may be included in next weeks Whatcha Find Wednesday.

May 28, 2012

Radiant Cooling

How to Use the Solar Funnel as a Refrigerator/Cooler

Bone Broth


Navigate with the Stars

We are heading towards camping and hiking season, so here is a quick tip in case you get lost.

In the Northern Hemisphere, locate the Big Dipper constellation. Follow the direction of the two stars that make up the front of the dipper to the North Star. (It is about four times the distance between the two stars that make up the front of the dipper.) Then follow the path of the North Star down to the ground. This direction is north.

May 26, 2012

Freezer Cooking

This is for all those who will soon be spending more time in the garden throughout the summer and fall.
You know your day will be spent and leave you with little time to think about dinner. All you have to do it prepare it and pop it in the freezer. Once you're ready to use it, just pop it in the crock pot.

May 23, 2012

Whatcha Find Wednesday

On Lenny's way home from Kentucky he spotted a military vehicle heading towards the Fusion Center in Cincinnati, Ohio.

For those of you who unaware of what fusion centers are here is a brief description:

"A fusion center is an information sharing center, many of which were created under a joint project between the Department of Homeland Security and the US Department of Justice's Office of Justice Programs between 2003 and 2007.
They are designed to promote information sharing at the federal level between agencies such as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Department of Justice, US Military, and state and local level government. As of July 2009, the Department of Homeland Security recognized at least seventy-two fusion centersTemplate:PBS Frontline Report: Are We Safer?, season 29 mentions that the DHS created 72 fusion centers. Fusion centers may also be affiliated with an Emergency Operations Center that responds in the event of a disaster."

"There are a number of documented criticisms of fusion centers, including relative ineffectiveness at counterterrorism activities, the potential to be used for secondary purposes unrelated to counterterrorism, and their links to violations of civil liberties of American citizens and others.[5] One such fusion center has been involved with spying on anti-war and peace activists as well as anarchists in Washington State."

"The center's graphic example of the "dangerous" scenario of altered traffic safety signs was culled from a Wired magazine report on an incident in Austin, Texas, where a hacker changed a sign to warn of a coming zombie infestation.

The report also discusses numerous potential areas of fraud which could allow a terrorist to integrate with society, including document fraud, student visa fraud, marriage fraud and employer fraud.

"If we are to believe this exaggerated threat assessment, Virginia's learning and religious institutions must be hotbeds of terrorist activity,' said Caroline Fredrickson, Director of the ACLU Washington Legislative Office, in an advisory. "This document and its authors have displayed a fundamental disregard for our constitutional rights of free expression and association. Unfortunately, it's not the first time we've seen such an indifference to these basic rights from local fusion centers. Congress must take the necessary steps to institute real and thorough oversight mechanisms at fusion centers before we reach a point where we are all considered potential suspects."

"There is an appalling lack of oversight at these fusion centers and they are becoming � as the ACLU has repeatedly warned � a breeding ground for overzealous police intelligence activities," said Michael German, ACLU Policy Counsel and former FBI Agent, in a release. "The Virginia threat assessment isn�t just disturbing for encouraging police to treat education and religious practices with suspicion, it's bad law enforcement. Lawmakers from all levels of government need to enact legislation to protect against these spying activities that threaten our democracy while doing nothing to improve security."

Recently, a Department of Homeland Security-funded fusion center in Missouri was accused of blatant disregard for the United States Constitution after one of its memos encouraged the surveillance of third party activists, Christians and supporters of Congressman Ron Paul, for their alleged potential status as illegal militia.

The center retracted its memo and publicly apologized when Congressman Paul, along with former presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin and former Congressman Bob Barr, sent a letter to Missouri Governor Jay Nixon (PDF link), demanding an about-face."

For any questions or suggestions feel free to leave a comment or e-mail us at Also don't forget to send us your pictures and a brief description so you may be included in next weeks Whatcha Find Wednesday.

May 16, 2012

Whatcha Find Wednesday

I see you there hiding in the brush.

Look at what we found for this Whatcha Find Wednesday.

If your having trouble seeing it, it is not a nosey neighbor, it is a white-tailed deer.
Hopefully she sticks around for deer season.
The deer's coat is a reddish-brown in the spring and summer and turns to a grey-brown throughout the fall and winter. The deer can be recognized by the characteristic white underside to its tail, which it shows as a signal of alarm by raising the tail during escape.
 male deer (also known as a buck or stag) usually weighs 60 to 130 kg (130 to 290 lb)
Males re-grow their antlers every year. About 1 in 10,000 females also have antlers, although this is usually associated with hermaphroditism
White-tailed deer are generalists and can adapt to a wide variety of habitats.
Deer are excellent fence-jumpers, and their fear of motion and sounds meant to scare them away is soon dulled.

I hope everyone has a great week and happy hunting. Not the deer because it's not deer season.

For any questions or suggestions feel free to leave a comment or e-mail us at Also don't forget to send us your pictures and a brief description so you may be included in next weeks Whatcha Find Wednesday.

May 14, 2012

Can you tell the difference

When I went to plant some mint I had a bit of surprise. I could not tell the difference between the mint and the lemon balm. Both are visually very similar. Can you tell the difference?

 Lemon Balm

  • Lemon Balm is a perennial herb in the mint family Lamiaceae.  It grows to 70–150 cm tall. The leaves have a gentle lemon scent, related to mint. During summer, small white flowers full of nectar appear. These attract bees.
  • The crushed leaves, when rubbed on the skin, are used as a repellant for mosquitos.
  • It is claimed to have antibacterial and antiviral properties (it is effective against herpes simplex).
  • Lemon balm should be avoided by those on thyroid medication (such as thyroxine), as it is believed the herb inhibits the absorption of this medicine.
  • Lemon balm contains eugenol, which kills bacteria and has been shown to calm muscles and numb tissues


  • It is a herbaceous rhizomatous perennial plant growing to 30–90 cm
  • It is considered invasive
  • Peppermint has a high menthol content, and is often used as tea and for flavouring ice cream, confectionery, chewing gum, and toothpaste
  •  it has been known to help with insomnia
  • One animal study has suggested that Peppermint may have radioprotective effects in patients undergoing cancer treatment
  • The aroma of peppermint has been found to enhance memory
  • Peppermint oil has a high concentration of natural pesticides, mainly menthone
  •  If you have any questions or suggestions for this post feel free to leave a comment or e-mail us at

May 9, 2012

Whatcha Find Wednesday

This week sure has been very productive. We decided to have a family weekend and stayed home to work on the homestead. There is nothing better than spending quality time with the people you love the most. It was also some what relaxing not having to drive anywhere and have no obligations to rush to. Just some laid back time to work on little projects we have going on such as getting plants in the garden and beginning new ones such as the pond in our back yard.

Today I want to show you what I saw today on my way home from work. These clouds were an amazing sight. Usually, April showers bring May flowers, but, I guess the weather is a bit off.

These pictures don't quite show the beauty. On the left there were  nice fluffy clouds and on the right there was a great big storm coming in. Complete darkness, with the sun trying to shine through. Nothing like rushing home to beat the storm so you don't get caught in the down pour.
Also I wanted to share what Moreforles shared with us last week:

"I come across some interesting things in my line of work (carpet cleaning) doing most of my work for property management and realty companies. unfortunately I'm usually one of the last ones in before new tennants show up, but still quite often some interesting finds. rom old furniture, bike frames, old toys, lamps, tools and artwork? I usually trade items for othere, give them away or scrap them."

Like I had said before Whatcha find Wednesday is a time to highlight what everyone comes across throughout the week. It can be anything from a terrific storm  to junk others leave behind. So don't be afraid to let us know if you find something intriguing. We want to include everyone, no matter how small or silly what you find may be. We love hearing from you. Thanks Moreforles for sharing.

I hope everyone has a great week and happy hunting.

For any questions or suggestions feel free to leave a comment or e-mail us at Also don't forget to send us your pictures and a brief description so you may be included in next weeks Whatcha Find Wednesday.

May 7, 2012


Lenny thought that all the leafy vegetation in our yard was nothing more than a bunch of rogue hasta plants. They go to seed, so why not? I knew I recognised these from my childhood. Many hours had been wasted picking the strips of seeds and letting them fall into the grass. I knew for sure they weren't hasta but what are they? After further research this is what I found. They are called broad leaf plantain or snakeweed and can be very useful with edible and medicinal properties.

May 2, 2012

Whatcha Find Wednesday

It's Whatcha Find Wednesday! This week once again has been slow pickin. Between tornado warnings and watches and more crazy weather we haven't really had a chance to come across anything special. So once again we are pulling from our archives.

A portable toilet seat

Here we have a true gem. A portable toilet seat, fully functional. We came across this when camping at a friend's relatives property. For guys you may not see it's true beauty but for women in the outdoors it sure beats leaning from a tree. It's also not bad to have around even if you aren't out camping because you never know when your water ceases to flow due to a power outage or a water main break. Keep your options open, it's always better to have than to need.

I hope everyone has a great week and stay safe out there.

For any questions or suggestions feel free to leave a comment or e-mail us at Also don't forget to send us your pictures and a brief description so you may be included in next weeks Whatcha Find Wednesday.

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