August 8, 2012

Whatcha Find Wednesday

Hey everyone! It's that time of the week! It WHATCHA FIND WEDNESDAY!

I'm super excited this week because we found that one of our hens, Lilly, is broody.

What the heck is that? You may ask. Well When a hen goes broody it means that she has succumbed to her natural motherly instinct to lay on eggs to allow them to hatch and produce offspring. Lilly is our first broody hen and we were somewhat surprised that she has gone broody so soon after she began laying. She has only been laying for a month! She is currently sitting on 7 eggs, so here in a little under 21 days we should have a few chicks hatching to replenish our flock. This weekend, we will be checking the eggs to make sure they were successfully fertilized. I have my fingers crossed that the majority of them are, but we will see.

I hope everyone has a great week and happy hunting.
For any questions or suggestions feel free to leave a comment or e-mail us at

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