February 16, 2012

Starting next week we are going to begin our "Whatcha Find Wednesday". Here at The Homestead Jones we occasionally will find little treasures in our garden like marbles, curling pins, and vehicle thermostats. We will also occasionally find items out for trash that we are able to use or upcycle. 

Whatever you find, just shoot us an e-mail and we'll include it for everyone to see. If you have a website, also make sure you send us your URL so we can make sure you get linked back. Happy Hunting everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I come across some interesting things in my line of work (carpet cleaning) doing most of my work for property management and realty companies. unfortunately I'm usually one of the last ones in before new tennants show up, but still quite often some interesting finds. rom old furniture, bike frames, old toys, lamps, tools and artwork? I usually trade items for othere, give them away or scrap them.
